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Double rise reservoir Typ 03 1250×950 – 10 m3/min

1989800,00 Ft (without VAT)

SKU: 0501307 Categories: ,

Product details

Reveal framework (in case it is required with box): 27 mm thick,
3-layer spruce, cut in 45°.
Frames: from massive, high quality, vertically grained spruce. Join:
with dowel.
Bottom: from 3-layer spruce or blockboard with spacer (Tischlerplatte,
Tipla); it is glued between the sides of the wood. The corners are covered
with textile or leather (packing).
Top: from 3-layer spruce, fi xed with D head screw.
Bellows eveners: from fl at-iron.
Sticking: wood parts are made with D2 dispersion wood glue, leathering
is made with bone glue.
Ribs: 15 mm thick, 175 mm wide. It fi ts to the size of the bellow.
Hinging: from gut and hinged leather.
Leather covering: from vegetable tanned sheep skin.
Surface quality: carefully polished, nature.
In case of unique request, we provide personalized quotation.
Shipping deadline: 9-10 weeks from ordering.

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